Friday, December 29, 2006

Just a typical mom...

This article identifies ways moms relax, including reading magazines. I can identify with this. After reading journal article upon journal article, it is nice to find a magazine I can sift through, without worrying whether or not this builds upon someone else's theory or contributes to the growth of my own theory. Sometimes, moms just want to use a magazine to relax.

This also shows, however, that moms multi-task with media. Many studies have shown how teens multi-task with media, but we moms are getting used to it, too. We have to juggle many things already--why not media, too?

We can make dinner while our children are watching Scooby-Doo, while listening to All Things Considered while checking email on our blackberry (which my husband calls my crackerberry!).

Thursday, December 21, 2006

My Christmas present--an IRB approval!

Wow. If anyone wonders, UNC has an amazing IRB process. Lawrence (just a first name, in case he wants to be anonymous) is the man who has overseen several of my IRB submissions and he is always so thorough in his review and helpful in making important corrections. I feel very confident that my dissertation research has been thoroughly reviewed and is completely safe for anyone that participates in my research.

Even though I've done several studies so far in my graduate program, this dissertation proposal was by far the most challenging review to get through.

Now, I'm ready to start my dissertation research! Merry Christmas to me!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Time flies...

Five semesters down, one more to go! After grading 97 6-page exams, I am empty-headed. It was the longest and shortest semester on record.

Now, if I can just get out of "IRB heaven", I can get to my dissertation research!

I guess I'll have to make Christmas cookies while I wait...