Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Even GM needs to learn new tricks...

I was so sad to hear on NPR on the way to school this morning about GM's latest woes, cutting 30,000 jobs. There is also a story on the NY Times site from my hometown, Lansing, Michigan, where I worked at Oldsmobile at one of GM's first non-engineering co-op education students. All through undergraduate school at Albion College, my friend, Sue, and I spent every other semester, winter breaks, spring breaks, summer breaks and any time we could working at Oldsmobile rotating through finance, accounting, purchasing, hourly employment and salaried employment. I actually quit my job at GM to go back to B-School, worried that I would become too complacent in a high paying cushy job. Instead, after B-School, I took a lower paying challenging job that ultimately led me here to academia. Hmmmm.....

With my marketing perspective, I think it is too bad that GM has decided to cut its way out of its problems rather than innovate its way back to greatness.


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